08 December 2009

Saint Mikuláš and how we went hicking at night...

Well, its been an exciting weekend :) As I have written on Saturday I was in Zvolen, and on Sunday was Saint Mikuláš day, who is someone like Santa Claus... I still havent figured that out, but the idea is that Slovakians get presents in December twice- on the first Sunday of Dec and for Christmas (lucky bastards :P ).
So Domček organized a concert for children with white bearded man, a singer from Slovak Idol and loads of chocolate. Thats amazing how less You need to make a child happy :) and they enjoy every minute of it! Not like we, who run somewhere and get stucked with problems and blah, blah, blah...

Anyhow, it was a nice afternoon and in the evening Krupina's Christmas tree was lightened up :) I liked it so much, because people here all the time talk- "this city is so small", "there's nothing to be done", "its borring", but action is happening, its not that bad! There is life and there are people who want to change something about this borringness (Im not sure its an English word :P).

And around 21 o'clock my coordinator Peter decided to show me Vartovka (thats a construction on a hill, that was used to alarm people from other villages about danger by fireing something :P its like in a "lord of the rings", when they transfered that fire signal from one mountine top to another, if You know what I mean). So we went there and at first everything was nice, we were on a trail, but as it usually happens people have desire to find harder ways to get to the point, so we got a bit lost and made a bit of a circle... Did I already mentioned that I dont have any hicking shoes? However, I survived, and I will need to buy some special shoes! :D To get to the top was kind of ok, even there is a very steep hill, but to get down was kind of a problem... However, we Latvians are smart people, so I used all four of my extremities and almost like a turtile got down ;)

Well, need to go to sleep, since tomorrow some big boss is comming...
Sweet dreams everyone!

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